Research Area
- Autonomous Systems and Controls
- Cyber Safety for Transportation
- Distributed Space Systems
- Future Aircraft Design
- Multidisciplinary Computational Aerosciences
- Multifunctional Materials and Intelligent Structures
Research Area
- Synthetic Biology
- Protein engineering
- microbiome
- Systems biology
- Bioinformatics
- Metabolic engineering
- Neuroengineering
- biomechanics
- medical devices
- medical imaging
- molecular engineering
- microscopy
- biomaterials
- tissue engineering
- omics/genomics
- gene therapy
- microfluidics
- agro-bio and planet health
- frugal science
- bio-policy
Research Area
- Chemistry of Life
- Chemistry of Energy
- Chemistry of the Environment
Research Area
- Cities
- Energy
- Infrastructure
- Public Health
- Water
Research Area
- Computational Biology
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Robotics
- Architecture
- Computer Security
- Networking
- Operating/Distributed Systems
- Programming Systems and Verification
Research Area
- Computational Biology
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Robotics
- Architecture
- Computer Security
- Networking
- Operating/Distributed Systems
- Programming Systems and Verification
- P
- P
- Physical Technology and Science
- Integrated Circuits and Power Electronics
- Biomedical Devices, Sensors and Systems
- Energy Harvesting and Conversion
- Photonics, Nanoscience and Quantum Technology
- Nanoelectronic Devices and NanoSystems
- Information Systems & Science
- Control & Optimization
- Information Theory & Applications
- Machine Learning
- Communications Systems
- Societal Networks
- Signal Processing & Multimedia
- Biomedical Imaging
- Data Science
- Hardware/Software Systems
- Energy-Efficient Hardware Systems
- Software Defined Networking
- Mobile Networking
- Secure Distributed Systems
- Data Science
- Embedded Systems
- Integrated Circuits and Power Electronics
- Energy
- Control & Optimization
- Machine Learning
- Energy-Efficient Hardware Systems
- Integrated Circuits & Power Electronics
- Energy Harvesting & Conversion
- Data Science
- Biomedical
Research Area
- Computational Social Science
- Decision and Risk Analysis
- Operations Research
- Organizations, Technology and Entrepreneurship
- Policy and Strategy
- Quantitative Finance
- P
- Computational Social Science
- Decision and Risk Analysis
- Energy and Environment
- Health Systems Modeling and Policy
- National Security Policy
- Operations Research
- Organizations
Research Area
- Biomaterials & Bio-interfaces
- Materials, Computation, Theory & Design
- Electronic, Magnetic & Photonic Materials
- Materials for Sustainability
- Mechanical Behavior & Structural Materials
- Novel Characterization Methods
- Novel Synthesis & Fabrication Methods
- Soft Matter & Hybrid Materials
Research Area
- Biomaterials & Bio-interfaces
- Materials, Computation, Theory & Design
- Electronic, Magnetic & Photonic Materials
- Materials for Sustainability
- Mechanical Behavior & Structural Materials
- Novel Characterization Methods
- Novel Synthesis & Fabrication Methods
- Soft Matter & Hybrid Materials
- P
- P
- Computational Engineering
- computational geometry and virtual design
- multi-scale phenomena including bridging of atomistic to continuum models
- biomedical applications, including predictive surgery
- computational study of cells, tissues, bones and other biological systems
- chemical reactions and multiphase flows
- atomistic physics of material behavior and failure
- climate modeling
- energy systems including fuel cells and efficient engines
- Design
- assistive technology
- bio-inspired design
- biofluid dynamics
- computer-aided design
- controls
- creativity
- design analysis
- design for manufacturability & quality
- design theory & methodology
- dynamics & simulation
- vehicle dynamics
- engineering education
- experimental mechanics & stress analysis
- fatigue and fracture mechanics
- finite element analysis
- haptics
- high-speed devices
- human-machine interfaces
- scientific instrument design
- idea visualization
- interaction design
- kinematics
- life-cycle engineering
- machine design
- manufacturing technology
- medical devices
- micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
- optimization
- organizational innovation
- product design
- rapid prototyping
- rehabilitation
- robotics
- robust design optimization
- Human Health
- Biomechanical Engineering
- Sustainability
- Flow Physics and Computational Engineering
- Multiphysics Simulation
- Hypersonic Flow and Acoustics
- Shock-Turbulence Interaction
- Combustion and Pollution
- Computational Energy Sciences
- Multiscale Methods
- Turbulence Physics and Modeling
- DNA Dynamics and Gene Sequencing
- Bio-Molecular Modeling and Microfluidics
- Heated Supersonic Jet Noise and Flow
- Scientific Computing
- Numerical Analysis and Algorithms
- High-Performance Computing
- Scientific Visualization
- Grid-Independent LES
- Validation and Verification
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Predictive Science and Performance
- Experimental Support for UQ
- Manufactured Solutions
- Thermofluids, Energy, and Propulsion Systems