Khalid Kadir
125 Stephens Hall
By Appointment
Khalid Kadir is a Continuing Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. Kadir’s research focuses on the complex role that engineering expertise plays in the politics of international development and poverty alleviation, and his current work focuses on the intersection of poverty, expertise, and politics. He teaches courses in the Global Poverty & Practice (GPP) program, Political Economy, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. Khalid was awarded the prestigious Constellation Prize for Engineering Education in 2020, the American Cultures Teaching Award in 2019, and in 2017, Khalid received UC Berkeley’s Distinguished Teaching Award, the campus’s most prestigious honor for teaching.
Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2010
M.S.E, Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2002
B.S.E., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1998
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