How can I find the right professor?
You can search for professors based on your field of study, university name, and research interests. Simply use the search tool to enter the university name, field, and research area.
Can I access more detailed information about professors like email and website?
Yes, when searching for a professor, you can view their research interests, email, website, and even their Google Scholar profile.
Can I save professors for later?
Yes, you can save professors by clicking on the heart icon next to their name. You can see the list of your saved professors in the "My Professors" section in the left side tab of your dashboard. This allows you to easily find them later for future interactions.
Can I contact professors via email?
Yes, you can send emails to professors. The email can be either a pre-written template or a custom message that you write yourself. If the professor doesn’t respond, you can send a reminder email.
When can I apply for a program based on the professor's response?
Once you receive a response from a professor, and they encourage you to apply or you have had a successful conversation with them, you can add the program to your application based on the professor’s feedback and continue the application process.
Do I have access to all professors?
If you are a free user, you only have access to 5 professors to check the system. For full access to professors and more information, you need to be a Basic or Premium member.
Can I access professors from other fields of study?
No, you can only access professors from your own field of study. To access professors in other fields, you need to pay for a new membership in that field.
Can I analyze the professor’s responses?
Yes, we can help you analyze the professor’s responses if you are a Premium member. We can help you interpret their answers and guide you in making decisions about your application process.
Can I filter professors based on their research areas?
Yes, you can filter professors based on various research topics and choose the best options for your academic interests.
Can I find professors by university or country?
Yes, you can search for professors based on their university, country, and even specific geographic locations.